If you are looking for unique and attractive pendant light. Then kuu pendant light replica is a good choice. kuu pendelleuchte was conceived by award-winning Helsinki-based designer Elina Ulvio. Once launched, the kuu lampa has been sought after and loved by many. Next, I will give you a detailed introduction about pendant kuu copy.

kuu pendant light replica

Best Kuu Pendant Light Replica

The design of kuu light copy is inspired by the moon. The lampe kuu has an oval frame and a single-sided circular disc. You can simulate the state of the moon at different times by rotating the pendant lamp kuu replica disc. The designer expresses her love for atmospheric lighting with kuu lampe kopia.

kuu lighting replica

The kuu lamp replica uses clean lines and rounded geometries. The elina ulvio kuu pendant light replica embodies minimalism and elegant charm. There is no denying that the kuu pendant light replica is a beautiful work of art.

kuu lamp replica

The kuu lighting replica has both landscape and portrait designs. You can choose different sizes of kuu pendant copy to decorate your home. No matter which kuu pendel replica can bring you excellent decorative effect and high-quality lighting experience.

kuu reversible pendant light replica

Lampa Kuu Replica - Dia 31 cm x H 19 cm A

You can hang the small kuu pendant lamp imitation above the dining table. The disk of replica kuu lamp can be made into different shapes. These kuu pendant light replicas in various shapes make for a beautiful sight. The lited kuu light copy can create a warm and comfortable atmosphere for you.

kuu pendant copy

Kuu Lamp Replica - Dia 43 cm x H 27 cm A

The kuu lampe kopia has a disc that can rotate 360 degrees. And each part of the lamp kuu copy has a wireless power connection. So you can spin the kuu pendant light replica easily. Thus kuu reversible lamp copy can provide you with direct or indirect lighting.

kuu pendant replica

Kuu Pendant Light Replica - Dia 19 cm x H 31cm B

The kuu hanger with a diameter of 19cm has a vertical design. When you hang the kuu pendant lamp imitation side by side in the dining room, the whole scene just seems to be in order. The elegant kuu pendant copy is certainly a great addition to the modern design.

elina ulvio kuu pendant copy

Kuu Light Copy - Dia 27 cm x H 43 cm B

The kuu pendant replica contains led light source, which is an excellent non-glare lamp. So, the kuu pendant gebraucht is perfect for hanging by the bed. At the same time, the lited kuu reversible pendant light replica is like a bright moon in the night sky. You will feel good when you lie down and see kuu pendant copy.

pendant lamp kuu replica

The vertically designed kuu pendant light replica is perfect for narrow spaces, such as a shoe cabinet at the entrance. On the one hand, the pendant lamp kuu replica can beautify the corner of your home. On the other hand, the replica kuu lamp can bring you sufficient lighting when wearing shoes. In conclusion, elina ulvio kuu pendant copy is a stunning lighting design that combines form and function.

pendant kuu copy

Pendant kuu copy is made of high quality material aluminum and acrylic. The elina ulvio pendant lamp replica is durable and of good quality. In addition, kuu reversible pendant lighting can be selected from cold light and warm light. I suggest you buy the warm light kuu hanglamp to use as a dining room lamp.

replica kuu lamp

If you hang multiple kuu pendant light replicas of different designs in combination. I am sure lampe kuu can make a stunning decoration for you. The lited kuu kroonluchter emits a warm and inviting glow. The kuu pendant tweedehand can enhance the ambiance and elegance of your bedroom.

kuu pendant gebraucht

The lampa kuu replica is perfect for creating a focal point in a restaurant. The interlaced hanging kuu lighting replica reflects the sense of layering and three-dimensionality. In addition, the rotatable kuu pendant replica is both ornamental and playable. Such a highly recognizable lamp kuu copy can win the favor of your customers.

kuu pendant lamp imitation

Thanks for reading. In addition to the kuu pendant light replica, simiglighting has many wonderful lamps. If you are curious about this, then come to our blog page to have a look!